What is digital sovereignty of VET Teachers and how will the preparation of a Competence Framework support the upskilling of VET Teachers / Trainers?
With the creation of the DISCVET competence framework for digital sovereignty there are multiple benefits, being a structured set of competencies, skills, and knowledge that are required to perform specific tasks or roles by VET Teachers and Trainers effectively. Indeed, by creating a competence framework for digital sovereignty, individuals and organizations can better understand and develop the skills and knowledge they need to protect themselves and their digital assets.
There are several benefits from the creation of a competence framework for digital sovereignty:
- Identification of existing skills gaps: The DISCVET competence framework can help individuals and organizations identify skills gaps in their digital sovereignty knowledge and skills. By evaluating their skills against the framework, they can determine which areas they need to improve upon to increase their digital sovereignty.
- Standardization of trainings: The DISCVET competence framework can help standardize training programs and materials for digital sovereignty. This can ensure that all individuals and organizations are learning the same skills and knowledge, which can improve overall competency and digital sovereignty across the board.
- Improvement of recruitment: The DISCVET competence framework will help organizations identify and recruit individuals with the necessary digital sovereignty skills and knowledge. By using the framework as a guideline for job requirements and qualifications, organizations can ensure that they are hiring individuals who are competent and able to protect their digital assets.
- Facilitation of career development: The DISCVET competence framework can provide a clear path for career development in the field of digital sovereignty. Individuals can use the framework to identify the skills and knowledge they need to acquire to advance their careers, while organizations can use the framework to create career paths and development plans for their employees.
In a nutshell, DISCVET competence framework can benefit digital sovereignty by providing a standardized and structured set of competencies, skills, and knowledge that individuals and organizations can use to improve their digital sovereignty. By identifying skills gaps, standardizing training, improving recruitment, and facilitating career development, DISCVET competence framework is going to help increase to overall competency and digital sovereignty across individuals and organizations.
For more information about the Analysis of the Competence Frameworks that has led to the preparation of the DISCVET Sovereignty Framework, please have a look at the analysis report of IO1 comparing existing Digital Competences Frameworks.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein. 2020-1-DE02-KA226-VET-008261