DiSCVET Project: Empowering VET Teachers for Digital SOvereignty and Security – A Succesful Conclusion
The DiSCVET project has reached its culmination, marking a significant milestone in empowering VET teachers for digital sovereignty and security. This innovative initiative aimed to equip VET teachers throughout Europe with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the digital landscape securely. With the development of new training content and an online simulation platform, the project has succesfully enriched the portfolio of VET teachers and exceed initial expectations.
Impact and EU Policy ALigment:
The DiSCVET project aligns closely with the Uuropean Union`s policy dialogue on digital skills and competences. As Europe strives to be fit fort he digital age, the project´s outputs serve as transferable tools that can be upscaled and replicated across different European regions. By building on the DIgcomp Digital COmpetence Framework, the project adressed security concerns not explicitly covered in the existing frameworks. This innovative approch filled a critical ga pand laid the fundation for individuals digital sovereignty in the digital age.
The DiSCVET project has successfully concluded, leaving a lasting impact on VET teachers and the broader European digital education landscape. By equipping VET teachers with the knowledge and skills to enhance their digital sovereignty and security, the project has contributed to making Europe fit for the digital age. The innovative training content, coupled with the interactive simulation platform, has surpassed initial expectations and fostered a culture of digital responsibility and protection.
As the project concludes, its outcomes and achievements will continue to resonate. The DiSCVET project serves as a testament to the importance of digital sovereignty and the need to prioritize data protection in the digital era. The collective efforts of the project team, VET teachers, policymakers, and stakeholders have paved the way for a more secure and resilient digital future.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein. 2020-1-DE02-KA226-VET-008261